Saturday, November 9, 2013

OCO Cannabis Oil treatment for MS

OCO - OldSchool Cannabis Oil
Cannabis Oil treatment for (Secondary Progressive) MS

A miracle in the making... 

My dear friend, a very loving husband, created his own OCO (OldSchool Cannabis Oil) to treat his his wife's advanced stages of MS. She was more alert, laughing, eating and sleeping soundly within the first two days of treatment...Amazing improvements.
October 23rd:
Friend arrived. We went right to work.
Chopped up over 2lbs. Aurora Indica Hybrid.
Used blender to make a fluffy consistency.
Placed cannabis in a modified pressure cooker.
Pressure gauge wasreplaced with temperature gauge.
Poured in 2gals of "White Dog" tocompletely cover the weed.
The corn liquor was about 190 proof.
Covered the top with a garbage bag and held it with a bungee cord, placed a metal bowl of ice on top.
#1 to keep the bag from melting,
#2 to vaporize fumes that rise to the top causes condensation that dripsback into the solution. Brought the temperature up to 175-180 degrees,boiling point of alcohol.
Not a rolling boil but more of a simmer.Cooked about 3hrs or 2 joints.
Strained and drained and filtered pure liquid left.
Took a french frier pot, filled about a quarterway up and started boiling.
Alcohol evaporates quickly, kept adding liquid until it was gone.
When we couldn't smell the alcohol anymore,about 45mins, turned off heat.
We had tar.

Gave my wife one (measured teaspoon) of oil. She increasingly became more talkative, laughing  and ate a big meal. After 2hrs. she was happy and fell asleep. Slept 12hrs. Woke upgroggy, smoked a joint, went back to sleep.
Teaspoon dose is right, today, she is alert, already eaten,showered, dressed, in the past this was very difficult. So far,remarkable.
Dosed, alert , but confused, having a hard time, can't stayfocused. Agitated, hates me, (this used to happen every day)
This will be big, she is improving, detox is almost over
She has had this disease approximately 15yrs. Diagnosed in 2006 (it took probably 6-7yrs for it to manifest according to the professionals at the Health Science Center of the University of Texas). The progression of her particular strain of the disease, SECONDARY PROGRESSIVE MS, is slow but steady. In the beginning, stumbling, numbness in extremities, vision problems, speech problems, then comes paralysis, blindness, loss of brain function and eventually death.
Much better day. Same dose, tolerance going up, will notchange dose. She went outside, her color is better, standing upmuch better, still confused but not angry.
Horrible day. Severe mental anguish, I have to rethink. Never been this bad. Anger, screaming, spitting, really bad. I gave her a tranquillizer. Librium 25mg. Also had tremendous pain today. Did not dose.Hydrocodone instead. Pretty sure she is detoxing, sweating out horrible chemicals.
Back to dosing, she is detoxing but oil is keeping her stable. I love her so much. Won't eat, but she is stable.
When she said that, ("I DON'T WANT MY STORY ON A BOX") we were just talking about life. She meant the television. She doesn't want to be the poster child. She would rather someone else got the attention. She thinks it's too late for her. I have assured her that WE will find a cure, She keeps telling me, I feel different. My legs aren't as weak, and just by the things she says, HER MIND IS WORKING BETTER.
She is drug free, first time in 5yrs. We celebrated with this bud. ALL OF IT!!!!!!
Better today, bad night, extra dose, knocked her out. She is very groggy, ate a little, not angry.
WAY BETTER, smiling, apologetic, ACTUALLY REMEMBERS. Ate, showered by herself, (didn't want help) Man, this might be working. Detox was minimized by the oil. Will try to get her outside. Coherent, very responsive. She understands what I'm doing. She said, "I DON'T WANT MY STORY ON A BOX". For now I will keep her dosage the same. She wants to go to Wal-Mart. Wants to eat Mexican food. 
Big day, Happy day
Aurora Indica Hybrid used for OCO
November 3rd:
Increased dosage to measured one and one half teaspoons. She has been talking about childhood memories (all bad) and she is depressed.
November 4th:
This picture is after increasing her dosage. Her depressionis clearly gone. I can't tell you the last time I saw her this happy. She is walking better and eating like a horse. We are going to the Doctor November 6th. He is going to freak out. She is going to walkin under her own power. He has no idea what we have been doing, personally, secretly, I hope he piss tests her. I would LOVE to tell him the whole story and threaten him with a law suit if he says anything. Patient confidentiality. OH happy day, check out that smile. This is after 12 days treatment...
Praise the Lord.
My Sunshine.
Nov 6th:
WOW!!!! Sunny walks in under her own power. The office went dead quiet. In the exam room, the nurse had a hard time containing herself. She wanted to know if the wheelchair had broken but I couldtell she knew way more than that had happened. 
~Sunny calmly says, "No, just felt like walking." 
You could hear a pin drop. Dr. comes in, mouth open, like he was seeing things. He did his regular routine, in shock I guess. Then it happened...
~Sunny goes, "DOC. I don't want your pain medicine anymore. I don't need the Xanax anymore. I'VE BEEN HEALED."
You would have thought he forgot his name. He asked about a thousand questions, looking at me. (That's how he had been doing it for over a year)
~I politely pointed at Sunny and she said, "I'VE BEEN HEALED". 
He started talking to her, they talked for probably 20 minutes. She never once mentioned the oil. So maybe next visit. IF WE GO BACK. I was so proud of her , the visit ended , she walked out ,we broke down and cried. AMEN!!!!
Sunny says, "I'VE BEEN HEALED".

By Moka Bo & MonsterBud Oldschool 

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